17 February 2020
Exclusive distribution: Unlawful supply
It cannot be concluded merely from the fact that an operator does not immediately disclose its sources of supply that those sources are unlawful.
CA Paris, 29 January 2020, LawLex20200000201JBJ
Exclusive distribution: Unlawful supply
A third party to the network who cannot show the lawful origin of the goods sold is a participant in the infringement of a prohibition on resale outside the network and is liable under Article L. 442-2 (formerly L. 442 -6, I, 5°) of the Commercial Code.
CA Paris, 29 January 2020, LawLex20200000201JBJ
Exclusive distribution: Unlawful supply
The head of the network who complains of unlawful supply from a non-approved reseller on the basis of Article L. 442-2 (formerly L. 442-6, I, 6°) of the Commercial Code must bring the action before one of the specialized courts, including in the context of an action for interim relief.
CA Aix-en-Provence, 30 January 2020, LawLex20200000189JBJ