The Recent Application of European Competition Law to Distribution Agreements: A Return to Formalism?
Louis Vogel
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2015;
doi: 10.1093/jeclap/lpv024
Article by Louis Vogel in the Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
Posted on 30/03/2015
Vogel & Vogel Paris - Bruxelles
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Vogel & Vogel Paris - Bruxelles
30 avenue d'Iena, 75116 Paris
Avenue des Gaulois 9, 1040 Bruxelles
+33 (1) 53 67 76 20
Vogel & Vogel Paris - Bruxelles
30 avenue d'Iena, 75116 Paris
Avenue des Gaulois 9, 1040 Bruxelles
+33 (1) 53 67 76 20